E-book Library: Empowering Your Professional Journey


Welcome to a collection designed to boost your professional journey. My eBooks offer practical insights and actionable steps to enhance your career, no matter where you stand today.

Discover growth and success with these eBooks as your companions. Your journey to professional excellence starts now.

1. LinkedIn Checklist

Concerned about layoffs and uncertain job markets? Take control by building your personal brand on LinkedIn. Our checklist guides you through simple yet impactful steps, ensuring you’re well-prepared for whatever lies ahead.

2. Accomplishment Logs

Ready to showcase your wins and advance your career? Learn how to create an accomplishment log that keeps you motivated and impresses potential employers. Elevate your career with this practical guide.

3. NIFT - BFTech Course Material

Exploring the fusion of fashion and technology? Dive into a curated collection of study materials and research papers from the Bachelor of Fashion Technology program. Let’s learn and excel together!

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